What’s going on beneath your skin? Acne is a common skin condition that causes oily skin, spots, burning, irritation and pain. It arises when pores become blocked, and secretions, or sebum, build up in the skin. Different symptoms and types of spots may require different treatment, and it can be good to know which category your acne falls into.
When the cold winds start to blow, out comes the winter health advice too. But which of these commonly held beliefs are based on fact and which ones are myth? Read in full
There is a growing problem in the United States and Canada which is likely to become more of an issue in the UK and Europe: Fentanyl overdose.
What is Fentanyl?
Fentanyl is a synthetic (manufactured) opioid and is the most potent opioid available for medical treatment. Used to relieve pain in cancer patients, it is 50-100 times stronger than morphine, and usually administered in the form of patches or lozenges. Fentanyl is also used in certain emergency situations when stopping a patients breathing, where medics need to take over the breathing for the patient. Read in full
Erectile dysfunction is widely recognised as a quality-of-life issue that affects self-confidence and relationships, but experts agree that erections, or erection problems, can also be a measure of mens’ general wellbeing.
Some go so far as to claim that the penis is the barometer of a man’s health. And though it can be argued that due to the large number of possible causes of erectile dysfunction (ranging from psychological issues to the side effects of medication), a man’s ability to achieve an erection is not always indicative of his overall state of health, a number of studies prove that in otherwise healthy men erectile dysfunction can be an early sign of heart disease. Read in full
It’s something you probably wouldn’t even discuss with your best mates, let alone face the embarrassment of describing it to a doctor, which makes thrush the perfect condition to treat through an online consultation.
Do you have thrush?
Thrush manifests itself in men as soreness, inflammation, or itching usually at the head of the penis. It can also cause discharge. First-time sufferers should seek a professional diagnosis, as the condition shares symptoms with certain STIs and you’ll want to rule these out before beginning treatment. Those with compromised immune systems should also ensure they consult with their GP, as the infection could progress to invasive candidiasis. Read in full
Realising you have a health issue that needs medical attention and treatment can cause anxiety. Not only are you uncomfortable, you now have to think about making time to visit your GP and describing your symptoms in order to receive treatment for your problem.
Although in many instances nothing can replace the necessity of a face-to-face visit – an online doctor cannot inspect an injury or feel for soreness, for example – when it comes to determining your health history, responding to a description of symptoms, and prescribing medicine for common conditions, a virtual consultation can be just as effective. From eliminating the need to describe symptoms in person to access to a large amount of information about your condition, there are many benefits of online doctors and prescription services. Read in full
Almost all women have some facial hair, whether it’s peach fuzz or a few coarser hairs that need to be kept under control. And most have some form of facial hair removal strategy – tweezers in a makeup bag, a tube of hair removal cream, or periodic visits to a salon for a quick wax. But if your facial hair is excessive, to the point where you can’t keep it under control or it causes you significant distress, you may need to consider a more effective solution.
Excessive facial hair in women is called hirsutism, defined by the NHS as ‘excessive hair growth in certain areas of the body’. Aside from being bothersome it can affect self-esteem, with those who suffer from it feeling consumed by the struggle to keep it at bay and maintain a ‘normal’ appearance. Read in full
Even those who once prided themselves on their clear, smooth skin can find themselves struggling with adult acne – and the condition is on the rise. According to a recent article by The Telegraph, a study of private dermatology clinics found a 200% increase in adult patients seeking acne treatment.
There are a number of reasons why acne can flare up later in life, often related to fluctuating hormones and changes in skincare products, but stress and poor diet have been pinpointed as principal causes.Read in full