
Zomig and generic zolmitriptan 2.5mg & 5mg tablets, orodispersible tablets, and nasal spray for migraine relief available to buy online from Dr Fox.

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How to order Zolmitriptan online for UK delivery:

  1. Read medical information about migraines
  2. Answer medical questions to check for eligibility
  3. Reviewed by doctors - posted from UK pharmacy (tracked 24hr delivery)


Medication Quantity Cost
Zolmitriptan 2.5mg 6 tablets £9.80
Zolmitriptan 2.5mg 12 tablets £17.90
Zolmitriptan 5mg 6 tablets £46.20
Zolmitriptan 2.5mg orodispersible 6 tablets £12.00
Zolmitriptan 2.5mg orodispersible 12 tablets £20.80
Zolmitriptan 5mg orodispersible 6 tablets £13.50
Zolmitriptan 5mg orodispersible 12 tablets £23.00
Zomig 2.5mg (zolmitriptan) 6 tablets £29.90
Zomig 5mg (zolmitriptan) 6 nasal sprays £46.20
Zomig Rapimelt 2.5mg (zolmitriptan) 6 tablets £29.90
Zomig Rapimelt 5mg (zolmitriptan) 6 tablets £29.90

Price match guarantee
Prescription issued online - small prescription fee per order.

Compare prices: Dr Fox prices are 25%-50% lower cost than other online clinics.

Prescription fees

Dr Fox supplies medicine on prescription and charges a small prescription fee based on the order value of each prescription.

Prescriptions are issued by our doctors online and sent electronically to our pharmacy.

Order value Prescription fee
up to £10 £1.00
up to £20 £2.00
up to £40 £3.00
over £40 £4.00

If you have your own private paper prescription please post to our pharmacy (details).

Dr Fox prices are 25%–50% lower than other UK online clinics.

Compare Zolmitriptan prices from UK online clinics (09 November 2023) - qualifying notes
*Dr Fox adds a small prescription fee not included in table above.
  1. The prices shown are listed by the online clinics named after a customer first enters consultation information and is offered prescriptions. It is possible these clinics may have special offers or lower prices for repeat supplies.
  2. Prices may change and are, to the best of our knowledge, accurate on the date stated. All products in stock and new condition.
  3. Dr Fox does NOT claim to provide a superior service to any of the online clinics listed. All the clinics listed, as far as we can tell, comply with all regulation and, as far as we can tell, operate to high ethical standards.
  4. Dr Fox adds a small prescription fee not included in the table (between £1 and £4 depending on value of the order).
  5. To amend the information in this table please contact us
  6. The prices listed in the table do not identify the cost of prescription medicine as online clinics charge a single fee to cover services which includes advice, consultations, prescriptions and dispensing and supply of treatments.
  7. Where services include free delivery this is using the slowest delivery option available. Dr Fox uses Royal Mail Tracked 24.
Medication Dr Fox* Simple Online Pharmacy Chemist Click MedExpress Medicine Direct Click Pharmacy
Zolmitriptan 2.5mg x 6 £9.80 £18.99 £14.99 £24.99 £14.99 £27.99
Zolmitriptan 2.5mg x 12 £17.90 £29.95 £28.99 £47.99 £25.99 £54.99
UK Delivery £2.90 £3.20 £4.20 £2.90 £2.99 £3.95

Delivery charges

UK delivery only: £2.90 per consultation via Royal Mail Tracked 24 Signed For (1-3 working days with tracking).

Parcel forwarding services are not permitted. Use only UK home or work delivery address.

Returns and refunds - unwanted items can be returned within 14 working days for a full refund.

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About zolmitriptan

Tablets, sprays, and melts

Dr Fox supplies Zomig and the generic form of zolmitriptan as a nasal spray, tablets, or melts (sometimes called orodispersible tablets) which dissolve in the mouth and do not need to be swallowed.

Zomig is the original brand, but the original patent has expired and generic zolmitriptan can now be manufactured by other pharmaceutical companies, usually at lower cost. The generic medication contains exactly the same active ingredient - zolmitriptan - as branded Zomig.

How does zolmitriptan work?

Migraine occurs when blood vessels in the head relax and become swollen and leakier. Zolmitriptan reduces this swelling of the blood vessels so reducing headache and other migraine symptoms.

Buying zolmitriptan online

It is important to consult your GP to have a clear diagnosis of migraine, before buying supplies of migraine treatment online. Consult your GP if your symptoms are changing or you develop any new symptoms with your migraine headaches.

Who can take zolmitriptan?

Zolmitriptan is only for people who have been diagnosed with migraine. It will not work for other sorts of headaches. Migraine headaches are usually throbbing and severe, and are associated with nausea, vomiting, and dislike of strong light (photophobia). They tend to be only on one side of the head, but not always. They sometimes start with symptoms such as flashing lights or other visual or sensory changes (aura), with the headache phase coming later. They usually last a few hours and then settle, with no symptoms in between. See NHS migraine page for further details.

Who should not use zolmitriptan?

If any of the following apply, you should discuss with your GP before taking zolmitriptan as it may be best to use alternative (non-triptan) migraine treatments:

  • History of fits or seizures.
  • Serious liver or kidney disease.
  • Over 65 years old.
  • You are a heavy smoker (over 25/day), are a man over 40, or a woman past the menopause - you may be at extra risk of developing heart disease and may need extra checks from your GP before taking zolmitriptan.
  • Have had a heart attack, stroke, or mini-strokes (TIAs) in the past.
  • Angina (heart pain on exertion).
  • Problems with poor circulation (peripheral vascular disease).
  • Irregular heart rhythm including Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome.
  • Uncontrolled high blood pressure.

Do not take zolmitriptan if you have a known allergy to other triptans.

Taking zolmitriptan with other medicines

Other migraine treatments

Zolmitriptan belongs to a group of medicines called triptans, and it should not be taken at the same time as other triptans used to treat migraine, including sumatriptan, naratriptan, rizatriptan, almotriptan, eletriptan, and frovatriptan.

Other types of migraine treatments may also interact, particularly ergotamine or similar ergot type medicines. Leave at least 24 hours between taking these medications and zolmitriptan.

Triptans have been used in clinical trials at the same time as Vydura (rimegepant - when used as a preventative medication), with no issues reported.

Antidepressant medication

Zolmitriptan can interact with antidepressant medications including SSRIs, SNRIs and herbal remedies containing St John's Wort. It should not be taken within 2 weeks of MAOIs (monoamine oxidase inhibitors) type antidepressants. If you are taking any medication for depression/low mood consult the prescriber about whether you can use zolmitriptan.

Other medicines

If taking either of these medicines and planning to take zolmitriptan, check with your GP first. They may recommend you to use a lower dose of zolmitriptan:

  • Cimetidine (rarely used - for indigestion or stomach ulcer).
  • Ciprofloxacin (rarely used - quinolone type antibiotic).

See also 'other medicines' section of the manufacturers' patient information leaflets.

Dr Fox checks for interacting medication in the online consultation for migraine treatment.

Can zolmitriptan be taken in pregnancy and whilst breastfeeding?

In general, all medication should be avoided whilst trying for pregnancy, and when pregnant or breastfeeding.

There is only limited information about the impact of zolmitriptan in pre-pregnancy and pregnancy. The risks and benefits of treatment should be discussed with your doctor before taking zolmitriptan whilst trying for or during a pregnancy.

Minimal amounts pass into breast milk, but manufacturers recommend not to breastfeed or use expressed milk within 24 hours of using zolmitriptan.

Possible side effects of zolmitriptan

Not all people experience side effects and migraine itself can cause unusual symptoms. Side effects are mostly mild and go away after a short time.


Do not take zolmitriptan if you have a known allergy to other triptans.

Serious allergic reactions (rash, hives, wheezing, swollen eyelids and face, and collapse) are rare, but if they do occur immediate medical attention is required - telephone 999 in the UK.

Common side effects

The most common side effects (affecting up to 1 in 10 people) can include:

  • Dizziness.
  • Headache.
  • Increased sensitivity to touch, tingling, pins and needle.
  • Sleepiness.
  • Warm feelings, unusual or altered sensations.
  • An irregular heart rhythm or missed beats.
  • Abdominal pain, feeling sick, vomiting (very rarely can be linked to reduction of blood flow to the gut, intestines, or spleen when you may also have bloody diarrhoea. If this happens, contact a doctor urgently).
  • Dry mouth, difficulty swallowing (dysphagia).
  • Muscle weakness or muscle pain, or general weakness.
  • Chest pain or a feeling of heaviness, tightness, pain or pressure in throat, neck, limbs, or chest - very rarely this could be angina and could lead to a heart attack (15 minutes of severe chest pain, clammy, short of breath, often also with pain in the jaw and arms - seek emergency medical help: telephone 999 in the UK.

Additional side effects of Zomig nasal spray can include:

  • Nose bleed.
  • Irritation in the nose.
  • Increased sensitivity in the nose.
  • Taste disturbance.

A full list of side effects can be found in the manufacturers' patient information leaflets.

How to use zolmitriptan tablets

Zolmitriptan is not a preventative. Only use when there is a migraine headache. The best effect is from using Zomig/zolmitriptan as soon as the migraine headache begins, but it can also be effective if used later in the attack. Do not take during any aura.

Zolmitriptan (Zomig) 2.5mg and 5mg tablets

Start with taking one zolmitriptan 2.5mg tablet.

Swallow the tablet whole with a drink of water. It can be taken with or without food.

The headache should be improving within one hour of taking the tablet.

If you still have a headache after 2 hours, or it comes back within 24 hours, then a second 2.5mg tablet can be taken. Do not take Zomig/zolmitriptan more than twice in 24 hours.

If the 2.5mg dose does not manage the migraine completely, then you can use 5mg tablets in future attacks. Side effects are more likely if taking the higher dose.

The maximum dose of zolmitriptan tablets in 24 hours is 10mg (2 x 5mg tablets) in total.

Orodispersible zolmitriptan (Zomig Rapimelt) 2.5mg and 5mg tablets

Some people who feel very nauseous with a migraine may find the orodispersible tablet or Rapimelt system works better. The tablets are not swallowed with water but are left on the tongue to dissolve. They may not work well if you have a dry mouth. Taking a drink of water before using the tablet may help them to dissolve. They can be taken at the same time as food or liquid. Zomig Rapimelt tablets are orange flavoured. Generic orodispersible zolmitriptan are either orange or peppermint flavoured.

The dose is the same as the normal tablets. Start with a 2.5mg tablet. Do not push the tablet through the pack as it may break.

  1. Separate one blister from the pack.
  2. Peel the blister pack open carefully as shown.
  3. Carefully remove the tablet.
  4. Place the tablet on the tongue and leave to dissolve, then swallow with saliva.
Illustration: instructions on how to use orodispersible zolmitriptan

The headache should be showing signs of improvement after 1 hour. If it is still there after 2 hours a further tablet can be taken. Take only two doses in 24 hours.

The higher strength 5mg tablets can be used in future attacks if 2.5mg was not strong enough. With higher doses there is a greater chance of side effects (maximum dose 2 x 5mg in 24 hours).

How to use Zomig 5mg nasal spray

A nasal spray is another alternative if someone feels very nauseous with a migraine headache. It also works very quickly as the active ingredient is mostly absorbed directly from the nose. Signs of improvement can be noticed in 15 minutes.

Zomig Nasal Spray is a single use spray unit containing 5mg of zolmitriptan. Use one spray in either nostril (left or right). Each pack contains 6 spray units.

It is most effective if used as soon as the headache begins but can be taken at any time during the attack. If symptoms have not settled completely or come back another dose can be taken, but only after 2 hours. No more than 2 doses (10mg) should be used in 24 hours.

Instructions on how to use the spray are listed in the patient leaflet included in the medicine pack.

Alternative treatments

Migraines will often improve after a few hours lying down in a darkened room. Simple painkillers, such as ibuprofen and aspirin, may be effective. Other triptans which are used to treat migraine include sumatriptan, naratriptan, almotriptan, eletriptan, frovatriptan, and rizatriptan. It may be worth trying different triptans to find the one which suits you best.

Vydura (rimegepant) can be used if two different triptans have been tried unsuccessfully and also in many cases where there are medical contraindications to using triptans.

If vomiting is a problem, a GP may prescribe an anti-sickness medication such as prochlorperazine or metoclopramide. These are not available from Dr Fox.

Some migraine tablets contain a combination of different painkillers and anti-sickness medications. Painkillers which contain codeine and other 'opiates' are best avoided as they can increase sickness and are potentially addictive.

People who get frequent migraines (two or more attacks a month) or whose treatment is not working well, may be suitable for long-term preventative treatments, such as daily beta-blocker tablets or other heart or blood pressure tablets, pizotifen, amitriptyline, or epilepsy treatments such as topiramate or sodium valproate. Vydura can also be used as a preventative treatment. Consult with your GP if you think a preventative migraine treatment may help you.

There is ongoing research into migraine treatments and some newer preventative treatments are available, usually only from specialist migraine doctors. These include botox injections, monoclonal antibody therapies - erenumab, fremanezumab, and galcanezumab, and magnetic and nerve stimulation techniques. Alternative therapies include acupuncture and various herbs (e.g. feverfew) and other supplements, from health food shops.

Comparing different triptans
Comparing different triptans
*NNT effectiveness score at 2 hours. Research doctors use NNT (numbers needed to treat) to compare effectiveness of different medications: lower number = more effective.
Triptan type NNT effectiveness score* Speed of symptom relief 2nd dose at 2 hours if symptoms continue 24 hour maximum Use with propranolol
Rizatriptan 10mg tablet 2.7 30 mins No 2 tablets No
Sumatriptan 100mg tablet 3.5 30 mins No 3 tablets Yes
Imigran 20mg nasal spray 3.5 15 mins No 2 sprays Yes
Zolmitriptan 5mg tablet 4.8 1 hour Yes 2 tablets Yes
Zolmitriptan 2.5mg tablet 5 1 hour Yes 2 tablets Yes
Imigran 10mg nasal spray 5.5 15 mins No 2 sprays Yes
Sumatriptan 50mg tablet 6.1 30 mins No 6 tablets Yes

Patient Information Leaflet

Illustration of patient leaflet from medicine packet

The Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) is the leaflet included in the pack with a medicine and must be read before taking the medicine. It is written for patients and gives information about taking or using a medicine.

Zolmitriptan 2.5mg/5mg Tablets leaflet
Zolmitriptan 2.5mg/5mg Orodispersible Tablets leaflet
Zomig Rapimelt 2.5mg leaflet
Zomig 5mg Nasal Spray leaflet

This page written and reviewed by doctors

Dr Amanda Wood

Authored 19 April 2021 by Dr A. Wood
MB ChB Manchester University 1984. Former NHS GP in Bristol. GMC no. 2855422

Reviewed by Dr C. Pugh, Dr B. Babor
Last reviewed 09 November 2023
Last updated 12 March 2025
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Works within 30 mins of taking them

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Just work's almost immediately in getting rid of my acute Migraine.

24 June 2023
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Fast and effective if taken when you feel migraine starting.

01 August 2022
J. Riggs Verified


Quick relief of migraine

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Good medicament's.

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