Chlamydia test
Buy chlamydia home test kit from website posted direct.
- £23.40 (with discount code TEST10)
- Free for under 25s in some areas
- CE quality assured
- Results in 1-3 working days
Please note
- Testing services and results are not provided by Dr Fox, but by
- Free for under 25s in some UK areas
- Your local health authority may also provide free chlamydia tests for under 25s
- Most chlamydia tests also test for gonorrhoea
Testing for chlamydia
For background information about chlamydia please see chlamydia information page.
A chlamydia test kit is delivered in discreet packaging and contains:
- Instruction leaflet
- Test request form
- Urine collection pouch and urine sample tube and container or a sterile vaginal swab (like a long cotton ear bud)
- Pre-paid pre-addressed envelope
The chlamydia test is carried out on a urine/vaginal swab sample you collect and then post to the laboratory. The test is a standard lab test for chlamydia and is highly reliable. Results are available online usually within 1-3 working days.
Who should be tested for chlamydia
It is a good idea to get tested, whatever your age or sex, in particular if:
- You or your partner have had unprotected sex or a split condom and you are worried you may have chlamydia.
- You've changed sexual partner.
- You're under 25 and sexually active - recommended to test every year.
- 3 months after treatment for chlamydia infection if you are under 25 - it is common to get reinfected.
- A previous partner tells you that they have chlamydia.
- You have any symptoms of chlamydia.
- You are considering starting a family and want to check you have no active chlamydial infection. You need a blood test to check if you have had it in the past which could affect your fertility.
It can take 2 weeks after infection before a chlamydia test will show positive.
Confidential results
The results of the home chlamydia test are completely confidential and will not be passed on to your GP. You are given a unique code and password to maintain this confidentiality.
Alternative testing
Chlamydia testing is also available from sexual health clinics, GPs, family planning clinics, young people clinics, some pharmacies, some sexual health charities, and The Terence Higgins Trust - find a free STI test.
Chlamydia treatment
We provide a 7-day course of antibiotic doxycycline to treat chlamydia infection.
Doxycycline is currently (July 2023) the recommended first choice antibiotic for the treatment of chlamydia - see latest BASHH guidance.
Informing partners
If you have a positive result it is very likely that your sexual partner(s) will have it too. As they may have no symptoms they may not realise. You should inform any previous sexual partners from the last 6 months. They need testing and possible treatment. If you need help and advice on how to do this, sexual health clinics can arrange anonymous partner notification for you.
If you have tested positive for chlamydia your partner(s) can also request treatment from your GP, sexual health clinic, or many pharmacies, including Dr Fox online.
Positive gonorrhoea test result
If tested, gonorrhoea results will be provided at the same time as the chlamydia results. The recommended treatment for gonorrhoea is a single injection of ceftriaxone. Dr Fox cannot supply gonorrhoea treatment but it is available from some GPs and sexual health clinics.
UK GUM and sexual health clinics
Negative results
If your test is negative, it means you don't have active genital chlamydia. However, if you think you could be at risk of other sexually transmitted infections it is important that you visit a GUM clinic to be tested. Where a chlamydia result is positive, it is important to also have tests for other sexually transmitted diseases.
The home test kit does not detect chlamydia in the mouth or anus.
If the result of your test is unclear and is recorded as neither positive nor negative, the test should be repeated.
It takes 5-6 weeks for a test to go negative after successful treatment.
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Authored 08 January 2010 by Dr Tony Steele
MB ChB Sheffield University 1983. Former hospital doctor and GP. GMC no. 2825328
Reviewed by Dr A. Wood, Dr C. Pugh, Dr B. Babor
Last reviewed 03 July 2023
Last updated 23 January 2025
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