Dr Fox news

News, information and articles on the health, pharmaceutical, medical and wellness industries.

Men’s hair loss: what are your options?

Man with male pattern hair lossA common concern for many men, hair loss occurs when the hair follicles stop producing hair growth. Known as alopecia, it is particularly a worry for men, who often see a loss of hair as an unwanted sign of premature ageing.

The reality is that male pattern hair loss is in fact an entirely normal part of ageing – up to 100 hairs are lost from your head every day. However, given that you have more than 100,000 hairs on your head, you probably wouldn’t notice it day to day. Some individuals, however, experience excessive hair loss and it is these people that often suffer the most. What should be remembered, though, is that medical help is available. Read in full

Dealing with eczema – what can you do?

Woman applying eczema creamThe term ‘eczema’ usually refers to atopic eczema, and affects people of all ages. If you or your child experience eczema, you will likely already be familiar with its most common symptoms:

  • Skin rash on the cheeks, inside the elbows and knees, around the eyes
  • Dry and red skin
  • Mild to extreme itchiness
  • Agitation, problems sleeping

Eczema is not life-threatening and will often subside with age, but it is important to keep those symptoms at bay in order to relieve discomfort and avoid complications from skin infections, which can become severe. Read in full

Erectile dysfunction: a brief history

Vintage erectile dysfunction treatmentErectile dysfunction (ED) is a term we hear frequently nowadays. On television, on the radio, in magazines, and on the internet, we are bombarded with advice on how to deal with ED, advertisements for medications to treat it, and articles for partners of the men who have it. With this apparently sudden explosion in interest, you’d be forgiven for thinking that ED was a 20th century invention.

Well, we can confirm that it wasn’t. As long as men have had penises (so, always), erectile dysfunction has been a hot topic, and doctors have been trying to combat it since time immemorial. The earliest recorded incidence of ED comes from India in the 8th century BC. The popular theory among doctors at the time was that ED was caused by having sex with “undesirable” women. Treatments included herbal medicines with additives from animals that were thought to increase desire or arousal. Alligators, mice, frogs, and sparrows were all animals that contributed to the concoctions of the time. Read in full

What’s in a cold sore? Causes, treatments, advice

woman with cold sore on lip looking in mirrorA cold sore is a painful blister that forms on or around your lip, or sometimes around your nose or eyes. It normally starts with a tingling sensation or itch, followed by painful blisters that may eventually break and ooze infectious liquid.

Though unpleasant, cold sores usually heal on their own within 7-10 days. Read in full

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Smartphone Medical ID in an emergency

Emergency room and Medical ID on a smartphone

Your smartphone can help in an emergency even if you are unresponsive. Both iOS (iPhone) and Android have a standard feature in ‘Settings’ called Medical ID (iPhone) or Emergency information (Android) where information useful in an emergency is available to first responders and emergency room staff and is accessible from your locked phone screen.

Medical ID braceletEmergency workers are increasingly aware to check smartphones for this information:

  • medical conditions and notes
  • personal information
  • allergies
  • blood type
  • organ donation details
  • emergency contacts

The feature is similar to medical jewellery but can make a lot more information available. Be aware that the information you provide will also be available to anyone with your phone without unlocking it.

There are also a range of other free medical emergency apps available for smartphones such as Medical ID.

Erectile dysfunction part 2: the treatments

Photos of packs tablets for erectile dysfunction treatment

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a surprisingly common ailment, affecting around 50% of men in the UK between the ages of 40 and 70. Given its prevalence, one might think treatment would be easy and straightforward; however, many men find that this is not the case. Since ED can be caused by a combination of factors, pinpointing the cause is the first step in treating erectile dysfunction. For some men their medication is the culprit, and ED can be remedied by changing the dosage or substituting the medication for another drug. If the problem is relationship troubles, therapy can be effective.

If the cause isn’t clear-cut, however, men have many different options to explore to help reduce or reverse symptoms. Read in full

Erectile dysfunction part 1: the stats, the science, the causes

Erectile dysfunction stats and causes graphic

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a very real and debilitating disorder that affects about 22% of men between the ages of 20 and 75. With the advent of erectile dysfunction drugs like Viagra (sildenafil), Cialis (tadalafil), Levitra (vardenafil), and Spedra (avanafil), in the late 90s brought about a ‘second sexual revolution’. These drugs soared in popularity, and men everywhere realised that they were not alone in their struggle with erectile dysfunction.

In this day and age, men have more options than ever before to treat erectile dysfunction. However, the first step is the same for all treatment options: seek professional help. This is easier said than done, as one study shows that 74% of ED sufferers aged 50 and older did not discuss their sexual dysfunction issues with their doctor. While erectile dysfunction is a highly personal issue, rest assured that your doctor HAS seen and heard it all before. ED is a legitimate health condition that requires proper medical attention, and men should always consult a doctor before obtaining treatment. Read in full

Sildenafil over the counter

sildenafil over the counterPfizer, the pharmaceutical company that developed Viagra (sildenafil), has applied to the UK medicines regulator (MHRA) to reclassify it’s erectile dysfunction (ED) drug from prescription-only to ‘P’ (Pharmacy). This would allow pharmacies to sell sildenafil over the counter without a prescription.

The application is for sildenafil 50mg only in a maximum pack size of 8 tablets. Sildenafil tablets are available on prescription in strengths of 25mg, 50mg, and 100mg in pack sizes of four and eight tablets.

The move follows the expiry of Pfizer’s exclusive patent for Viagra in 2013. After the patent expired other pharmaceutical companies, apart from Pfizer, have been permitted to supply their own sildenafil tablets, sometimes known as generic Viagra.

The application has support from the pharmacy industry: “Sildenafil is one of the most counterfeited medicines,” said Royal Pharmaceutical Society president Martin Astbury, with many men “resorting to the internet to buy medication”. Read in full
