Dr Fox news

News, information and articles on the health, pharmaceutical, medical and wellness industries.

Is Propecia for me?

propeciaHair loss can be a traumatic, whether it happens rapidly or over the space of years. For some, it has to do with more than just losing hair, it can be about losing an important part of identity.

There are a number of treatments to help combat hair loss. Once you begin to investigate you will inevitably start to hear about Propecia. This pharmacological treatment has helped plenty of men over the years to have renewed hair growth with minimal side effects, but it is not a miracle cure. Read on to see if Propecia has the potential to meet your expectations.

What is Propecia?

Propecia, also known by its active ingredient finasteride, is a drug that prevents testosterone from turning into dihydrotestosterone, or DHT. In susceptible men DHT can reduce the activity of hair follicles, which in turn can result in hair loss. Reduction of DHT by taking regular finasteride is currently one of the only proven method of slowing hair loss, the other being topical minoxidil (Regaine). Propecia/finasteride is prescribed in 1mg tablets and is taken once daily. Read in full

Stop the burn: dealing with acid reflux

acid reflux burnStomach acid is the strong substance that allows us to digest our food and absorb nutrients. If your body is functioning normally, you probably never give your stomach acid much thought.

However, if the acid makes its way into the oesophagus it can be quite uncomfortable. It may simply manifest itself as a burning sensation and unpleasant taste in your mouth, but acid reflux can also be the sign of something more serious. It could be a warning from your body that you need to transition to a healthier life style.

When learning more about acid reflux, note that the term Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD) refers to the spectrum of conditions related to acid reflux; from simple heartburn to oesophagitis. The cause, duration, and intensity of your acid reflux will help determine the proper course of treatment. Read in full

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Living with asthma

runner with asthmaBeing diagnosed with asthma can be traumatic, in no small part because the diagnosis often follows an episode of shortness of breath. It is also a shock to hear about a chronic condition that could be lifelong.

For some it may feel like life will never be the same, but this is only partially true. For most sufferers, asthma is a condition that can be kept at bay. With proper care and management you can live a normal life; it does not need to become the centre of your existence. Knowing the facts is the first step.

What is asthma?

Asthma is a common chronic respiratory condition that consists of narrowing and inflammation of the airways. This leads to coughing, wheezing and other unpleasant symptoms. Although the exact causes of asthma are not yet fully understood, we do know that people with a family history of asthma and allergies are more likely to suffer from it. Read in full

Do hay fever tablets raise risk of dementia?

hay fever tablets dementia

Alarming headlines in several UK newspapers and news websites this week (27 January 2015) claiming a US study concluded common hay fever tablets available over the counter raise the risk of developing dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

While there are significant findings in the study, the news reporting was not entirely accurate according to NHS ‘Behind the headlines’ (page now removed). Much of the reporting failed to highlight the study focus was on prescribed medicine for over 65s only; some brand name drugs contain different ingredients in the US to the UK; and other limitations of the study findings.

Although some of the drugs can be bought over the counter, the study only included prescribed medicines which have an anticholinergic effect, including some antihistamines, antidepressants and drugs for an overactive bladder, and concludes those over 65s taking the highest levels of anticholinergic prescribed medicines were at a higher risk of developing dementia compared with those not taking any.

Some of the medicine brands also contain different ingredients in the UK than the US: Benadryl and Piriteze do not contain ingredients identified in the study as causes of concern. Read in full

Your heart and erectile dysfunction: a close relationship

heart health erectile dysfunctionAn erection occurs when the brain, as a result of physical or psychological stimulation, sends signals to the penis that cause its blood vessels to relax. Blood flow to the penis increases, and blood becomes trapped within the corpora cavernosa, which expands and hardens, producing an erection.

Blood flow is central to achieving and maintaining erections. Erectile dysfunction (ED) is sometimes related to problems with circulation.

There are many reasons men get erectile dysfunction, and circulatory problems, although fairly common, are not the only reason. Read in full

Anxiety and smoking: a nervous reality

anxiety smokingThe effects of smoking on physical health are well documented. In fact, they are so widely accepted that they are printed on every packet of cigarettes. However the effects of smoking on mental health are still a bit nebulous. Most people do not realise how tobacco affects their psychological well-being. A recent study published by the British Journal of Medicine revealed that most people believe smoking helps them cope with anxiety and stress. This is of course a myth: in truth smoking could really be contributing to anxiety and other mental health issues.

What is anxiety?

Anxiety is a feeling of fear, tension, unease and nervousness. We all suffer from anxiety from time to time; it is just part of the human condition. But when this feeling becomes disproportionate with the situation causing it, or if it is constant, ever present or begins to interfere with your day to day activities, then it has become a problem.

When it comes to smoking, withdrawal symptoms are a common cause of anxiety. The nagging temptation that comes with wanting a cigarette is actually a form of anxiety. In people who smoke regularly this feeling comes multiple times a day. It is a haunting and disturbing sensation that can obstruct completion of their regular activities. In fact, satisfying this craving in order to stave off anxiety can become part of the smoker’s daily routine.

If you are smoking, there is a good chance you are also not breathing properly. Smokers tend to breathe more quickly and less efficiently, and this can lead to hyperventilation and even a panic attack. Read in full

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Champix: your ally in the fight against smoking

champix smokingQuitting smoking is one of the best but most difficult decisions one can make. There are tangible health benefits, your senses will become sharper, your heart will be healthier and your lungs will start repairing themselves. However, as any former smoker can tell you, this process is far from a walk in the park. Nicotine cravings can be intense. They can lead to anxiety, frustration, drowsiness and an increase in appetite. It is a real challenge but there are ways to pass these hurdles and continue on your way to a longer and healthier life. Read in full

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Quitting smoking: a little help from my friends

help friends quit smokingBeating a stubborn addiction is one of the most difficult things you can do. Your body develops a need for a substance, even if it’s harmful, and the cravings can be a painful and anxiety inducing affair.

Tobacco and cigarettes are a particularly difficult habit to get rid of as tobacco is legal and you can find it in many shops. Sometimes even stopping for some milk on the way home can be a problem for someone who is trying to quit. The cigarette counter is right there, and the temptation can be almost unbearable.

With cigarettes so readily available it may seem like the world is against the person trying to quit. This is the main reason why support from the people closest to the smoker is important. Read in full

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