Why all the medical questions when you order from Dr Fox?

We appreciate it can seem frustrating to read through medical information and answer questions when all you want is some medication for your problem. You may have had it many times before from somewhere else, or from us, and see it simply as a box-ticking formality.
However, our 'must read' medical information and questionnaires are designed after hours of scrutinising the licensing for the medication, the patient information leaflets, and the latest national and local guidelines for prescribers (read our editorial policy). They are then double checked and peer reviewed. This is to ensure that it is safe for you to take and there are no interactions with other medications, or medical problems that you may have, and that you have the correct information to make an informed choice. We also review these regularly to ensure that they are up to date as they may have changed from when you last read them.
Honest and accurate responses are necessary for a safe medical assessment
We do try to make these as easy as possible to answer and navigate with further important information shared about the product you are requesting. This acts as a medical consultation to help you decide if the medication is right for you. It also provides the information for the Dr Fox prescriber to decide if it is a correct and safe treatment for your condition, in the same way as a face-to-face consultation would with your GP.
Where needed we ask for GP information so we can share the information with your usual healthcare provider to ensure there are no other contraindications and that regular checks are being undertaken that we are unable to carry out as an online provider.
Dishonest answers could legally be considered as fraud as you will have 'made a false representation' to get the medication. This could be by giving false answers to the questions or ordering in your name for someone else. Making a mistake in your answers is clearly not fraud which is why we sometimes question answers you may have given before approving prescriptions. If you feel that you have to give untrue answers to order the medication it is worth sending the doctor a message from your account and we can review your order or give you advice on alternative treatment
The prescribing doctor holds the responsibility for the prescriptions that they sign off so it is important that they feel it is appropriate and safe to do so. As a remote prescriber we have to be more vigilant about this as we do not have the benefit of having you sit in front of us to explore a more detailed history, to order further tests or investigations, or to personally refer you on to a specialist. Our prescribing policies are therefore strict and adhere very closely to the licensing conditions of the medicine. For some specific conditions we provide medicine outside of the licence (off label) but in all these cases it follows established guidance.The final decision about treatment will therefore be with the prescribing doctor. Please do get in touch if you have any questions or concerns.

Authored 18 October 2023 by Dr Claire Pugh
MB ChB University of Liverpool 2000. NHS GP and GP appraiser in Bristol. GMC no. 4712688
Reviewed by Dr A. Wood, D. Broughton, S. Allan
Last reviewed 18 October 2023
Last updated 11 December 2024